Now offering Back Up and Shared Care packages.
BACK UP - Will your Doula /Birth Partner be away for a few days around your due date?
I can offer to be on call from , 1 to 4 days or over a weekend.
5 days to a week - Cost of Birth if attend (this is discussed with the Doula/Birth parents before hand)
Anything over a week is classed as shared care and may include an antenatal session and postnatal drop in.
The above will be dependent on dates given and if free.
SHARED CARE - Shared care is usually with 2 doulas,
Due to holidays booked (ie summer season).} Shared care can be each doula is on call for you for 2 weeks each
If both doulas have births booked arond your Due Date,we will both be on call and you can ring either, depending who is free at the time.
You will have a lead doula who you deal with. And the doulas will usually split payment into 2/3.
The doulas will discuss the antenatal /postnatal sessions. ie who will do them. these may be split between them or the both will attend.
Please contact me if you have any questions concerning the above.
Thank you for contacting me.
We will get back to you as soon as possible
Best wishes
The Doula