Antenatal Refresher course
This is just a little run through of the above if you have had an antenatal session in the past
Birth Partners Support Course
Your partner is growing a baby and an extra organ. (The placenta) what super power!
Watching your baby grow and your partner hopefully resting when they need too.
Eating a balanced diet. (did you know baby samples different flavours from 13-15 weeks)
Talking to your baby, so baby knows your voice (they can hear sound from 18 weeks and their hearing develops rapidly from 24 weeks.)
From week 37 - 42 your partner is classed as full term or even sometimes overdue!
So labour begins, What do you do now?
My course will give you the tools and techniques and the understanding to build your confidence to support your birthing partner and baby as you all go on this journey together.